جري 7 ساعات في اليوم يضيف اليك سبعة ساعات الى حياتك
Running may be the single most effective exercise to increase life expectancy, according to a new review and analysis of past research about exercise and premature death. The new study found that, compared to nonrunners, runners tended to live about three additional years, even if they run slowly or sporadically and smoke, drink or are overweight. No other form of exercise that researchers looked at showed comparable impacts on life span.
The findings come as a follow-up to astudy done three years ago, in which a group of distinguished exercise scientists scrutinized data from a large trove of medical and fitness tests conducted at the Cooper Institute in Dallas. That analysis found that aslittle as five minutes of daily runningwas associated with prolonged life spans.
After that study was released, the researchers were inundated with queries from fellow scientists and the general public, says Duck-chul Lee, a professor of kinesiology at Iowa State University and a co-author of the study. Some people asked if other activities, such as walking, were likely to be as beneficial as running for reducing mortality risks.
High-mileage runners wondered if they could be doing too much, and if at some undefined number of miles or hours, running might become counterproductive and even contribute to premature mortality,
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And a few people questioned whether running really
added materially to people’s life spans. Could it be, they asked
rather peevishly, that if in order to reduce your risk of dying
by a year, you had to spend the equivalent of a year’s worth of time
on the trails or track, producing no discernible net gain?
So forthe new study,
which was published last month in Progress in Cardiovascular Disease,
Dr. Lee and his colleagues set out to address those and related
issues by reanalyzing data from the Cooper Institute and also
examining results from a number of other large-scale recent studies
looking into the associations between exercise and mortality.
Over all,
this new review reinforced the findings of the earlier research,
the scientists determined. Cumulatively, the data indicated that
running, whatever someone’s pace or mileage, dropped a person’s risk
of premature death by almost 40 percent, a benefit that held true
even when the researchers controlled for smoking, drinking and
a history of health problems such as hypertension or obesity.
Using those numbers, the scientists then
determined that if every nonrunner who had been part of the reviewed
studies took up the sport, there would have been 16 percent fewer
deaths over all, and 25 percent fewer fatal heart attacks. (One caveat:
the participants in those studies were mostly white and middle class.)
Perhaps most interesting, the researchers calculated that, hour for hour, running statistically returns more time to people’s lives than it consumes. Figuring two hours per week of training, since that was the average reported by runners in the Cooper Institute study, the researchers estimated that a typical runner would spend less than six months actually running over the course of almost 40 years, but could expect an increase
in life expectancy of 3.2 years, for a net gain of about 2.8 years.
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